What is GPI and how it is calculated?

GPI, or Guitar Practice Index, is a metric used by GuitarGym to quantify a user's commitment, progress, and overall skill in guitar practice. It serves as a motivational tool by setting clear goals and acknowledging users' efforts and improvements through tangible rewards.

Calculation of GPI:
GPI is calculated after each daily workout, based on two primary factors:

1. Performance in games: 
Excelling in fretboard games is a crucial component of your GPI score. As you progress to higher levels, either during your regular workouts or in standalone gaming sessions, it reflects a deepening understanding and enhancement of your guitar skills. This progression is quantitatively captured and reflected in your GPI, highlighting your achievements and mastery over time.

2. Practice Streaks:
Consistently maintaining daily practice streaks significantly enhances your GPI. The length of your streak directly influences the GPI points awarded at the end of each workout, underscoring your dedication and consistency. These streaks demonstrate your commitment to regular practice, a key element in mastering the guitar, and reward you with progressively higher points as your streak extends.

These elements combine to form a comprehensive measure of your guitar abilities and dedication. GPI not only tracks your progress and consistency but also fosters a sense of community and friendly competition among GuitarGym members. This makes it a core element of the learning experience on the platform, encouraging you to engage regularly and aim for continuous improvement.

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