How do report users and posts?

GuitarGym Community Guidelines on Reporting:
We take the integrity of our community very seriously. Please be mindful when reporting users or posts; false reports or misuse of the reporting system can lead to suspension or termination of your account.

How to Report a User:

1. Navigate to the user’s profile.
2. Click on the 'settings' icon next to the user’s name.
3. Select 'Report' and follow the prompts to submit your report.

How to Report a Post:

1. Go to the post page that you wish to report.
2. Click on the 'report' icon (usually depicted as a flag or exclamation mark).
3. Select the reason for your report from the provided options and submit.

Your reports help us maintain a safe and welcoming community for all members. Thank you for contributing to a respectful environment on GuitarGym.

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